Sunday, July 10, 2011

Useful resource for book chapters

While researching my book chapter yesterday I ran across this peer-reviewed article (A Framework for Web 2.0 Learning Design) that can be a benefit to any EME6414 student currently working on book chapters in our wiki. The article frames how Web 2.0 tools can be used to accomplish the goals/outcomes designed by teachers in their classrooms. The authors talk about various taxonomies of learning a teacher might want as an outcome and what types of Web 2.0 tools might help accomplish that outcome. If you have trouble with the link above you can find it in the electronic library at FSU.
Here is the abstract:
This paper describes an approach to conceptualising and performing Web 2.0‐enabled learning design. Based on the Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge model of educational practice, the approach conceptualises Web 2.0 learning design by relating Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy of Learning, Teaching and Assessing, and different types of constructive and negotiated pedagogies to a range of contemporary Web 2.0‐based learning technologies. The learning design process can then be based upon the extent to which different Web 2.0 technologies support the content, pedagogical, modality and synchronicity requirements of the learning tasks. The model is resilient to the emergence of new Web 2.0 tools, as it views technology as only a mediator of pedagogy and content with attributes to fulfil the needs of the learning episode. A range of possible use cases, categorisations and examples are offered to illustrate the learning design concepts and processes, in order to promote more savvy and expedient application of Web 2.0 technologies in learning and teaching contexts.


  1. Thanks Mike - I only read the abstract so far but this does look like an interesting and helpful read. I appreciate you sharing!

  2. I appreciate the link Michael. I think it will help me quite a bit.
